![]() So the new book is out from the series and yes, I have started getting the third one ready to go so you won't miss any of the characters for long...tho some are in some pretty bad positions right now, No ruining the story, but Event Horizon changes some lives forever and is a big story in the series. I loved the first one, but this second went so smoothly and had so many surprises (yes, even to me) that it kept me wondering what was going to happen until the end. If I was that surprised, I suspect you will be as well. I was also able to release a few more short stories that are kind of spooky so that is two out this weekend alone! I have to add a big TY for Nic who designed all the graphics. Anyway, enjoy the read if you get one or both...and keep in mind, the ride is still going...we are getting to the biggest roller coaster of them all! How was your Mother's day? Great one here. My sweetie hubby and son bought me a new mouse, television (big one) and more. I had the cats, and dog and them around me solid until I about wanted to toss them out so I could have some peace! lol. Wrote all weekend in between my lovely time with my best two men. Funny how all other issues just don't matter when with my boys...on the positive as well...the second book of the series is almost finished and ready to go. Love those zombies! Never let it be said that writing is not a full time job. I was first published long ago, but didn't take writing as a full time job...unless you can devote the time...it doesn't help! But I wouldn't do anything else...it's rewarding and where else can I spend time (4 books worth) killing zeds in new and fun ways? Other books on my usual will follow and I can write more serious things about stalkers, obsessions and weird people doing insane things. People ask where I get ideas? Real life, Baby! People in real life are nutters and so things that are so very worth writing about...obsessions are interesting. People get a thought and then magnify it until it becomes their whole world and usually isn't even real...when they feel it slip away, they panic and do some crazy things and while you and I would get fast medication, they stalk and threaten and do some strange things that make no logical sense. Ted Bundy and McVey...Dahmer and many we have heard of, had obsessions and we see what they did. Psychopaths. But something I learned is that no matter how interesting these nuts are, the people who face them are more interesting...when pushed by the insane, what do they do to fight back? How do they leave their mark? What will they be pushed into doing? To me, that is the best of the story...what people do when pushed too far...when nice people flip and fight back...often in some pretty scary ways. I think Laymon wrote the best with that theme...and Ketchum has some that are scary and like that as well. But I have learned this much: If I were a victim of a nut, I would not give in and let go....let them do their worst...because if I go out, it's with a hell of a fight and someone is gonna take some damage. Besides...I have protection: My two boys, cats, dog and ferret that can bite! LOL If Manson had been bitten
So the second book of the series is almost done....had a sudden scene suggested by my hubby that he wanted to see added....he's cute..he watches me type and suggests scenes...how lucky am I? I have to admit, if I pull it off, it will rock the zombies in more way than one. Have to admit, it's been a fun time writing this genre lately and I am getting spoiled with letting the gore and violence stack up! I am so much more character/plot based and this action/character based writing has been a hoot...so many fun ways to kill a zombie....I really have to admire Uncle Stevie (Stephen King as writers affectionately refer to him) for CELL which was sort of a zombie tome...I mean he had a major idea (Cell phones are evil) and the story nailed as well as the action and characters. He wasn't gory...or AS gory as I am...he doesn't write splatter punk....but I digress...he nailed that book. I think when you can read a book and forget it is about zombies and say..."Oh it's about the evils of technology and love of children"....then the author nailed it. "Zombies" become simply the vehicle...and isn't that what Romero did with NOTLD? Okay, so this series may not be a nailed piece of literature, but it is a blast of a journey and some fun entertainment that won't make a reader think so hard 'cause sometimes we can skip the nutritional dinner and just chomp right in to that banana split and ....eat it all up!
So, this week I had a stalker...unreal, huh? Nut job from a state that begins with a T...and so does her name..hmmm....can only hope she crawls blindly back under her rock but it will make for future good writing! On the positive, my lovely husband tended me while I have been recovering after surgery and made home made potato and then ox tail soup. Heavenly.He sat and rubbed my arm, gave me massages, changed our bedsheets, watched tv with me and was a doll baby. Funny how ox tail soup and crazy people make you appreciate the people who love you. On the other hand, the greeting card industry made a killing on my surgery for the GET WELL cards.(sigh) And the dog hated me for a week 'cause I smelled funny after surgery. And i did learn that during surgery, people don't evacuate their bowels normally; yes, I did ask this question while I was there...curious.That all said, I am working hard again now on the second of the zombie series but have a great novel in notes that may get written,,,submission, Stockholming, cannibals, and a road trip a'la Dick Laymon style! Gotta love my weird brain and how it works; I may be vulgar but ya know I make ya laugh!
Still recovering from surgery...jaw is killing me....bad news is taking time off from writing. The good news is I had another novel ping into my head fully formed while on pain meds....that alone says it will be brutal and a fun read....so onto it as soon as I can get back to my writing..uurrrghhh. I am, in the downtime, reading and I have to say I LOVED Hunger Games although I tried not to. Fifty shades of Grey suddenly gave me self confidence and pride as a writer that I don't write on a fourth grade level and develop characters who say "double crap" and bite their lips every other paragraph. On the other hand, the millions the author is making...double crap....I could write that badly for a best seller and movie deal..pick me, pick me! I am reading Jason Christie's Radar Love now and it is some brutal, warped stuff that is so real...a look into the dark side without apology with enough smirks to make it a fun read. Will have to get the rest now and read everything by him; he's too real not to read. Back to pain meds...maybe another novel will come to me...
AuthorCatt Dahman lives in Texas with her Husband, son, 4 cats (Ollie, T.S. Eliot, and Procol, and a dog named Levi. Catt writes horror, thrillers, spooky stories, and westerns. Archives
October 2024