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I was sent an e-mail today with pictures of Wal-Mart shoppers that are funny. I know some people will say it is bad to make fun of them. These people also say it is terrible to belittle and make fun of other people in varied situations. I think this...if people didn't put themselves out there in such silly situations (or outfits or looks) then we would not laugh. I don't laugh at fat people for being fat. I laugh if one wears short shorts and has on a halter because that is such a silly display. It's the display that is so funny!
I am a horror writer. So...let's say I drive by a car wreck and see a person decapitated and the head lands atop a post. If some one yells "Heads up", yes, I would laugh. If I knew the person who was killed and saw it happen, I would not laugh and be horrified. It is when the situation is personal that it is no longer humourous and does that not depend on individuals? That's my point.Also, some in some jobs (morticians, cops, doctors, etc.) we have to laugh and find the humour or it drives us crazy to see the horror that man enacts. As a horror writer, death and weirdness is very real to me and yes, I have to find humour or have a pretty strong gut for it. But it is my choice to write what I write as it is a cop's choice to do what he why do it? Demand. There is a demand for what we deliver. I am to the point in my life that there are many things I have to laugh at. I find it funny how people use religion or politics or anything to further their cause. When students wrote papers for the college class in Literature I taught, I warned them to not use the Bible as a reference to "prove" anything as it is interpretation and not scientifically based. The Bible does have some good life lessons and helpful advice and it it aligns with some scientific history, but to say it says "XYZ" is interpretation. Also, as written, each word may have a deeper meaning. In other words, people use it to further their own ideals but it doesn't make them FACT. There is a part that is about loving thy neighbor. Well, I can be nice to my neighbor, but if they are a child molester, you can bet I don't love them, will laugh if they do funny things, and if they come near my child, I will let them meet Mr. .38 Special! See how I can take this and make it my own personal take? I say I can do that BUT _____________. Isn't that how we all are? We try to be one way but when things are about us, they change. No matter what the event or situation, we personalize it OR we remove ourselves. I am beginning to theorize that people who are so about themselves and being such "great people who do no wrong or are forgiven" are really psychologically inept. It just isn't healthy at all and leads to unconscious or conscious acts of very evil deeds. If we think we are "saved" after certain requirements then are we free to act poorly? Some think so and I feel these are the ones behaving the worst. On the other hand, when we act badly based on our own personal evaluations, at least we are honest and acting in a psychologically beneficially manner. I might giggle at the Wal-Mart people and laugh at people who show themselves as victims (etc) and I do it aside, not where they could see it and be hurt, but I don't hurt children. I don't destroy marriages, covet, steal, lie, cheat or murder. I am sarcastic, a horror writer, profane in speech, selfish, and vindictive at times. Judge me. I would rather be how I am than be the former, and when anyone says the Bible doesn't distinguish, I say..."use a reference that is accepted and not interpreted" and base your judgement on MY personal mind set. Until then, I will find the humour in a car wreck or a tree falling on a house or a cannibal. It's how I survive the world....finding the funny parts in horrific tales. So the second book of the series is almost done....had a sudden scene suggested by my hubby that he wanted to see added....he's cute..he watches me type and suggests lucky am I? I have to admit, if I pull it off, it will rock the zombies in more way than one. Have to admit, it's been a fun time writing this genre lately and I am getting spoiled with letting the gore and violence stack up! I am so much more character/plot based and this action/character based writing has been a many fun ways to kill a zombie....I really have to admire Uncle Stevie (Stephen King as writers affectionately refer to him) for CELL which was sort of a zombie tome...I mean he had a major idea (Cell phones are evil) and the story nailed as well as the action and characters. He wasn't gory...or AS gory as I am...he doesn't write splatter punk....but I digress...he nailed that book. I think when you can read a book and forget it is about zombies and say..."Oh it's about the evils of technology and love of children"....then the author nailed it. "Zombies" become simply the vehicle...and isn't that what Romero did with NOTLD? Okay, so this series may not be a nailed piece of literature, but it is a blast of a journey and some fun entertainment that won't make a reader think so hard 'cause sometimes we can skip the nutritional dinner and just chomp right in to that banana split and it all up!
AuthorCatt Dahman lives in Texas with her Husband, son, 4 cats (Ollie, T.S. Eliot, and Procol, and a dog named Levi. Catt writes horror, thrillers, spooky stories, and westerns. Archives
October 2024