The old west was not as most think. Hidden in dark corners and acting in secret, vampires hunt in saloons and small towns. Fortunately, there are Hunters on their trail: Tell Starr, Kit Darling, the notorious Paris Fallon, and Doc Holliday. Wild Boys explores the loves and losses of Doctor Henry Holliday, famed gunslinger, but also delves into the mysterious blood suckers and their insatiable thirst. Tombstone, Arizona has more trouble than the men who fight at the O K Coral and stalk Wyatt Earp; the town has an entire pack of vampires who intend to drain the town dry, in more ways than one. A little old west, a little vampire action, and a lot of gun slingin' fill the story, and many will die from six shooters or fangs. Let the Wild Boys ride in the first of a series of epic tales. |
Of Blood and Water
In 1974, a crime wave shakes a small town as children are murdered while camping with their scout troops or parents; a few were kidnapped. A young deputy, Virgil McLendon, is forced to lead an investigation into the brutal murders while a nation watches, wondering at his new techniques. No one has heard of profiling and few know how to read a crime scene. Eventually, these methods will shape the new Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, but in 1974, they are thought to be strange. Virgil McLendon feels he is chasing ghosts as the killers kidnap young people, torture victims, leave a trail of dead campers, and seek to shock an entire town with the bloodshed and cruelty. As the body count rises, he feels the answers are close. Maybe far too close. Each act is more violent the last, and the serial killers decide to go after the local law enforcement department as well. It's a battle of brains, and nothing is as it seems. Of Blood and Water explores "nature vs. nature", family traditions, the beginnings of a new way to track criminals that will be called behavioral analysis, and the last of the innocence, as a nation changes. The face of justice will be turned aside, and vengeance may rule the case. The Oklahoma campground murders, a true crime case, adds reality as McLendon pushes self-doubt away, and chases the killers. The first in the Virgil McLendon series, Of Blood and Water, is where the deputy begins learning how to hunt criminals...and where he gains a taste for the chase. *Extreme Violence and gore *Murder scene details ![]() The biggest news is I am am to release Alice in 9 Circles of Wonderhell which is a story of a normal girl named Alice who descends into hell with her friends to complete a mission that will save the world. She and her group must travel through 9 circles of hell where they meet familiar characters and fight evil as they go. It is a terrifying visage of hell, some cheeky humor, a coming of age tale, and an adventure like none other. *********************************************** Also, be prepared for some bayou fun with Louisiana Saturday Night. When a hurricane devastates New Orleans, rouge sharks under a voodoo spell are not the only predators hungry for human flesh! The Audettes from the swamp and the Theriots from the ritzy part of town are about to have to work together. As the battle to survive the threats ramps up, know that the only sure thing is that the gumbo will be hot enough to strip paint off a barn and the good time will roll...or maybe that is heads will roll. ************************************************* Next? Oh it's time to bring the dinosaurs in . Forget Area 51; the government had a bigger secret and it has giant teeth, a long tail, and its in a bad mood. Also in the works are books about werewolves, blood thirsty vampires, and another edition of X is for Xombie. The summer of 2013 is going to be brutal! **************************************************** All that Remains, a collection of all catt's shortstories peppered with tales from Mark Woods, Tl Decay and Nick Hatfield is also on the way. ****************************************************** I also appear in this anthology: Here and proceeds go to teh Wounded Warriors Project. Now is the time we make promises we'll never keep and get ideas to start something or stop it. I think very little stick to a plan. This year, I am not promising myself anything huge. Last year, in 9 months, I managed to get 15 books out that I had in manuscript, handwritten form (2 short story collections, a 9 book series about zombies,2 vampyre/westerns and two horror novels) That is pretty much a big deal to be that prolific! Most are both e-reader form or in paperbacks and the rest are about to go paperbacks as well.
What do I worry about? Like any writers, I worry and wonder if the next novel is in me. Will I have ideas and get the books written? I have three on the burners right now. I have a good 3-4 in my head as ideas. I may even write another zombie book like my nephew wants me to (he picked the title and ideas so TY to Harrison for his brilliant ideas) I also am helping edit an amazing short story collection by Nic Hatfield and May collaborate with him on an idea he has for a book that is truly the next HUGE book. I worry that I can't do it justice as it is bigger than me by far! I plan to release at least 7 books this next year. I am so thankful I am happy to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week doing this. I want to pay more attention to the writing of some friends who are amazing writers: Graham Masterton, Joe McKinny, Kealan Patrick Burke, Rhiannon Frater, Bowie Ibarra, and Jason Christie. I promise and resolve I will be as gracious as they are and work as hard as they do.I will thank my copy editor more and praise my agent. I will behave and do as my PR agent says.13 is my number and in 2013, i resolve to be a better writer. And I resolve to try to write something that isn';t splatter punk or cannibalistic (Lord how I try not to go to those themes but do so anyway). I resolve to write because it's what I do. I hope the rest follows. I don;t need to get rich or famous from writing, but I do need to entertain and scare the pants off all I can! Happy New Years! * Z is for Zombie: What Lies Beneath, The Time of Grace, and Wild Boys will be offered this weekend for free. Enjoy! HERE @
![]() A short update on my interesting life. Yes, the second in the Vampyre/western series is available and I want to add that I am humbled and honored by the sales I have seen for my books. I do have at least 3 more planned for this series, but I may have to stop and add a new zombie book to the other series because we all seem to miss Beth, Kim, Len and the gang. My husband gave me a pedicure and back rubs every night for last 2 weeks and I have been mega-relaxed. I have been able to type much better with my matching Aqua/lime glitter fingernails and loose muscles. I never knew that this color was perfect for typing! On the other hand, the air condon is on the blitz and I don't know how people can stand this heat. I am miserable. Think, back in the 1880s, which I was just writing about, a man wore a long sleeved shirt, a vest, jacket, pants, etc. In August heat. The women wore hoops, petticoats and long dresses and it must have been unreal although they were used to the heat. I think many people who died did so of heat stroke, I read somewhere....wish I had kept the article....that going back in time would present many problems beyond the obvious. Yes, there would be disease and all...things we are not used to, and the heat and cold...yes...but a major issue, if I can be so crude, would be that people smelled rank. They sweated and wore those heavy, sweaty clothing for months without washing them and they didn't bathe deodorant...the scent must have been horrible. When the cowboys came to rent a whore (for a dollar), they often had little sheets or pads of leather to catch the horse manure and nastiness from their boots (On the bed as they didn't take off their boots but just dropped trousers). I think that the smell of those men half undressing would make a maggot vomit. The women didn't smell any better. I am going on about this, but if one thinks about the things like this, it is amazing to think of how now people shower daily or more, have air con, wear deodorant and douse themselves in perfume. I read another article that stated that the divorce rate is high now because we can't smell one another and pick mates according to phermones and natural scents. Think on that. People's strongest memory sense is the sense of smell. Babies know the scent of their mother's nipples even. So, we have eliminated one big way we picked mates and chose who was suited to us. We have lost this simple but effective tool for picking people on with a few questions and a picture; no wonder marriages fail! I don't suggest sniffing people to find a mate,'s something to consider. to husband is looking at me with love in his eyes and I stink. Vampyres and old west cowboys at the OK it get any more exciting? The book is rolling out with a bit more editing needed and then on to the second in the series. I feel a trilogy on this set. In the wings are still 4-5 others just waiting to go. My husband scanning for me certainly helps it move out faster. I know some are just into my zombies and now some will be vamp fans. I hope that some will also be fans of just horror in general so I can get passed the labels of being a zombie and vampyre writer. I promise, I write better general horror than those. That said, I have so many requests for another zombie book that I may go cursing and screaming and write another one in the next year. ;)
The book is almost finished but we have been so busy lately and having a rough time as I try (yet again) a new protocol of meds to help my immuno system. While there is no cure for me, I always hope at least I might feel better! My husband had a birthday and for that he got my name as a tattoo on his arm. It looks so good! That was what he wanted for a gift. After that, and keep in mind it was his birthday...he bought nail polish and painted my toe nails. They are a lovely shade of teal now with glitters. I won't say he is an expert but it was a good effort. After that, (keep in mind it is his birthday, not mine) I had a three hour massage. I slept like the dead after that. Then I had breakfast in bed and slept more. I think everyone should celebrate a birthday this way! I like tattoos. I have five: a cross for our daughter who died, a black heart from my PI days, an ankle ring with hubby's name, a Pisces with my son's initial for both of us, and a big one on my neck and back that is a dragon fly with a spider web that David bought me for last Christmas. I have been thinking about things. I write fantasies and stories...but some people live them. I do go on Face Book and I see grown people there fighting and arguing about anything from games ro relationships and just wonder about it. Why do they fight? I have never thought two women needed to fight over a man because the man will pick whom he wishes to be with and stay with and have a life with, and the other one is left out. Oh, he might string along a few, but it's all a game...a fantasy not written but "lived" in a way. There is enough wayward in the world without drama that one can and should walk away from. I think people need to stop thinking the techo devices are real life and anything but some communication and an avenue for messing with another's mind. I have had men try to connect with me and I always laugh. I think I prefer and deserve live men and not a voice on a phone or words on a screen, but then I have a good sense of self worth. I find that on FB and such, people are far prettier, more slender, taller, richer, sweeter...etc than in real life. Warts are not shared on the internet. I don't discuss my immuno issues on FB or with people, so I doubt other people share that they are HIV positive or have been with someone who is HIV positive. Scary. Reunions and meetings on FB and the like may be one of the biggest causes of HIV being spread....mark my words. Yes, this sounds like a great story idea, but it's fact. People may not share that info, hoping it isn't an issue or that no one finds out, but it only takes once to get a death sentence. random musings. Be safe and be smart....there is nothing new on earth since Hector was a use common sense. --Catt The new book is about finished. I had these done and was able to save time in that my hubby scanned the pages and e-mailed them to me. Once I had them, we had to buy an expensive program, but it was one that can take a scanned image and convert to a Word file. He is great about helping me all the time. After that, I just have to take the document and c/p to a clean document and then I can type into it. Saved me many hours of writing! I always wonder if this is worth it, but it is enjoyable, I was born to write, and hey, an extra few hundred bucks a month is super.
The new book is part one of a new series that is simply vampires in the old west. A few years back I did research in Tombstone for the books and it is time to get them finished and out to be read! We are talking about a trip back out there asap...that will be a blast! (we also have a trip planned to Oklahoma and Jamaica but not for Imagine Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday fighting is fictoinal but based on research of the facts and actual events. Spent the day not writing, but with my hubby...very nice day except the cats and dog had a race going through my house and around and around...we did have a huge laugh watching them as they played and maybe tonight the critters won't keep us awake trying to get into the bedroom as they have done a few times this week. I know many sleep with there dogs but seriously, he and I need our room and don't need 4 cats and a huge dog fighting for space in our Off for my nightly massage...whether your own mate (like mine) or a professional, massages are very healthy and relaxing. I have a fav place in Hot Springs, Arkansas but why drive that far when I have the best right here? Anyway, the place in HP I love...I would go and relax and their kitty always jumped up to sit on me and get petted while I relaxed. Sadly, the kitty was killed in an auto accident but it was fantastic to go and relax that way. I also get massages when we are in Jamaica but I have to get them to relax my leg muscles after they cramp when I scuba dive. |
AuthorCatt Dahman lives in Texas with her Husband, son, 4 cats (Ollie, T.S. Eliot, and Procol, and a dog named Levi. Catt writes horror, thrillers, spooky stories, and westerns. Archives
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