New look for one of my books. Today, my husband woke me with a back rub and hugs. He was in a great mood and I was woozy since he woke me in the middle of a a dream. Sadly, the dream was that I was a dolphin and not a great dream that could become a book. LOL I have been busy with editing and looking at Submissions to JEA Press. We have so many amazing authors with us and sales are beginning to rock! We have many books about to release as well. ( ) We had one anthology come out and there is another getting ready plus 3 books for the new 666 theme. In addition, I am editing Paul Flewitt and Andy Bove now. Whoot! They are great writers. Last night, on Zombiepalooza, we listened to Alex Laybourne on live radion. He was so great and said many things I have to get written down so I can quote him. About my books...we know Louisiana Saturday Nights is out and Dinosaur: 65 Million is with my editor now. It's a long one at about 90K and my beta reader went crazy for it...said it was great. I have started the next one (no title yet) but imagine sci- fi space with religion and the Aztec civilizations. Satan and God are fighting for the culture and some well-meaning folks will try to change history. Fun! I am back to my historical horror, which I really love. |
So the second book of the series is almost done....had a sudden scene suggested by my hubby that he wanted to see added....he's cute..he watches me type and suggests lucky am I? I have to admit, if I pull it off, it will rock the zombies in more way than one. Have to admit, it's been a fun time writing this genre lately and I am getting spoiled with letting the gore and violence stack up! I am so much more character/plot based and this action/character based writing has been a many fun ways to kill a zombie....I really have to admire Uncle Stevie (Stephen King as writers affectionately refer to him) for CELL which was sort of a zombie tome...I mean he had a major idea (Cell phones are evil) and the story nailed as well as the action and characters. He wasn't gory...or AS gory as I am...he doesn't write splatter punk....but I digress...he nailed that book. I think when you can read a book and forget it is about zombies and say..."Oh it's about the evils of technology and love of children"....then the author nailed it. "Zombies" become simply the vehicle...and isn't that what Romero did with NOTLD? Okay, so this series may not be a nailed piece of literature, but it is a blast of a journey and some fun entertainment that won't make a reader think so hard 'cause sometimes we can skip the nutritional dinner and just chomp right in to that banana split and it all up!
AuthorCatt Dahman lives in Texas with her Husband, son, 4 cats (Ollie, T.S. Eliot, and Procol, and a dog named Levi. Catt writes horror, thrillers, spooky stories, and westerns. Archives
April 2021