Trivia about my books * Titanic was the hardest to write, for me, because of the research and time details * Time Of Grace is the oldest. It was started 30 years ago * Smooth was based on a song by the same name * Z is For Zombie was the first (series) of my books taken by a publisher...Severed Press * Alice in Wonderhell is my fav cover * Z if for Zombie is the second oldest series * Virgil McLendon's name comes from a former student named Blake McLendon is is awesomesauce * I Identify most with BETH from Z is For * I cry over some character deaths. Smooth was sad for me. * My fav fan says she laughs about gumo and iced coffee because of my books * "Lice Hookers" is a fav saying by author Ed Cardillo now * I have about 35 books out * Alice and Friends is a favorite of mine * Dinosaurs series was a guilty pleasure to write and based on real friends * I write crime novels and horror and a little sci-fi * I have a western/vampire series in the works (already written) *I think zombies rock and have written 12 novels about them and some SS * Louisiana Saturday Night was also a fun book to pen |