Wow. Now people say they have never heard of blue diamonds. (they aren't like those horrid pink rock things...good Lord)....but they are real diamonds.( the Hope diamond is blue) Diamonds may be chocolate, blue, green, or red, yellow...or the ones we see that are clear. A few years ago, my husband bought my diamond wedding band in Jamaica because the thousands he paid were a fraction of what it costs in the US. In a later trip, I fell in love with a ring that is big blue and white diamonds. Was it expensive? Hell yes. But it again was insured and appraised at many times what was paid. As time passes, I have added two more blue diamond rings. My earrings are from Jamaica.. and are huge diamonds set in a hoop. . Again...they were a fraction of the price here. Now what is my point? (besides my bracelet is awesome?) Most of my jewelry is from Jamaica. I have also bought an emerald there that appraisers tell me is impossible to get in the US (The size and clarity and quality) unless I spent 100,000. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is jewelry in the US so expensive. I don't know about other places, but it is outrageous. If we buy something worth 100,000 for $500 does it lose value? Is it a lesser gift or purchase because of the price? I think the appraisal is what counts...gosh...and the beauty of the item!
So, what about people? Can we do appraisals on them? I think if we try to use a Biblical judgement, that is almost hogwash because who in the hell are we, humans, to judge people? Yet we do. So what is an appraisal of a person that is acceptable and fair? I have you thinking now!
Is EVERY life valuable? I can't say so because I am for capital punishment which is a whole other topic. To me, no, not every life is valuable...some people are just pure crap. Their mothers may value them...and that's ok. I am talking about a legitimate appraisal. I think we can use the diamond test. CCC (color, clarity, cut) Some people need to work on their color (aura) and get themselves right. Some are just too cloudy and screwed up. Some are great, get dirty, but can be cleaned up. I am interested in the cut. Is a person (despite mistakes and crazy choices) cut to be a person who improves my life and the life of others?
I don't know how people see my CCC. I am a horror writer...I should be a gothic black diamond, right? But I am a blue diamond. (they are a blue green shade, the color of the ocean in Jamaica) I am the ocean. I have tides. I am strong and can turn in a flash to destroy. It isn't personal (always) but I can and will take out everything in my path. Sometimes I seem calm and serene
, but tidal waves are benath the surface and slide along until they strike, and when they do....they decimate without any consideration. I am life and I am very, very scary abd I will take ships and write stories of terror. I have undiscovered depths and remember, I am salty.
Blue diamonds remind me of who I am.. The hardest mineral and the ocean. And as for my appraisal? I can look in the mirror and see a force of unknown magnitude, and I am a healing balm.
What color diamond or precious stone are you and why?